Registration and payment of fees will be absolutely necessary for attending any of the Conference Events. The form must be accompanied by the payment in Euros (€). No registration will be considered until the payment is received.

The registration information is processed quickly and correctly, using the online registration form. Your credit card and personal information will be protected from unauthorized access by an online security system (SSL).

The lastest date for pre-registration was April 30th, 2012. After that date, any registration will be processed on site at the conference venue.
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The SOSORT Meeting


On Site

Delegate Member - Full Registration fee

650,00 €

Delegate Non Member - Full Registration fee

850,00 €

Student - Registration fee

400,00 €

Accompanying Person

120,00 €

Milano half day city tour (on Saturday afternoon from 2 to 6 pm)

60,00 €

Gala Dinner

not available

VAT 21% Included.

Full Registration fee includes:

  1. Admission to conference sessions
  2. Conference material
  3. Coffee and lunch as in program
  4. Welcome reception invitation
  5. Member: Includes annual fee of SOSORT member

Accompanying Persons:

  1. Welcome reception
  2. Milano half day city tour (on Saturday afternoon from 2 to 6 pm)

Student Registration fee includes:

  1. Admission to conference sessions
  2. Conference material
  3. Coffee and lunch as in program
  4. Welcome reception invitation

A Student certificate will be required.

The SOSORT Course


On Site

Full Registration fee

350,00 €

VAT 21% Included.

Full Registration fee includes:

  1. Admission to the course
  2. Course material
  3. Coffee and lunch as in program
It's not necessary to be a SOSORT member to participate to the SOSORT Course.

The ISICO Courses


On Site

SEAS I (May, 7th to 9th)

550,00 €

SEAS II (May, 13th to 14th)

400,00 €

(The registration to the SEAS Course II is subject to the participation of the SEAS Course I held in 2011)

VAT 21% Included.

Full Registration fee includes:

  1. Admission to the course
  2. Course material
  3. Coffee and lunch as in program

Pending Amounts

Any differences arising in the registration fees will be collected on site by the Conference Secretariat. In case that registration funds were wired late or, for some reasons, were not credited on the Conference account at the time of registration, a photocopy of the receipt will be required. If no proof of payment can be presented, full payment will be required on site.

Cancellation policy
Registered participants unable to attend the Conference may ask for refunds. All cancellation must be adressed by writting to the General Secretariat:

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A cancellation fee of 25,00€ will be withheld if refund is requested in writing before March 7th, 2012;

. and 50% of registration fees if before April 15th, 2012.

. No refunds will be accepted if requested after that date, April, 15th, 2012.

. All refunds will be done after the congress.

Official Language

The official language of the Conference is English.

Badges and Security

It is essential that you wear your personal badge at all times while in the Symposium venue and during the Social Events, as it is the official entrance pass to scientific sessions. For the Social Events, it will also be necessary to present the corresponding ticket. Please take note that the Organization can charge expenses by 50€ in case that the badge is lost.

Attendance Certificate

Attendance Certificates will be issued by the General Secretariat and given to the registered participants.

Medical Assistance and Insurance

Participants are advised to make their own arrangements regarding travel insurance and medical assistance during the Conference. Neither the Organization nor the Conference Secretariat are able to accept any responsibility whatsoever for damage or injury to persons or their belongings during the Conference



SOSORT 2012 General Secretariat: