Digital photograph Cerri Ceare
Full name Cesare Giuseppe Cerri
Profession Medical Doctor, Specialist in Neurology, Pediatrics and Medical Statistics
Actual professional positions Professor, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy; Director of the rehabilitation Department of Ospedale Civile Vimercate.
Short biographical notes (300 words) 1983 Degree in Medicine
from 1983 to 1997:
Specialty in Neurology
Specialty in Pediatrics
Specialty in Medical Statistics
2006-2009 Associate Professor at Milan Bicocca University
1985-2006 Assistant at Milan Bicocca University
1980-1985 Director of the Rehabilitation Department of Policlinico Hospital - Monza
1990-1999 Director of the neurorehabilitation unit of Seregno Hospital
1999 Director of the Rehabilitation Department of Ospedale Civile Vimercate.
Award received (Year, title of the scientific work, awarding institution)  
Medline published papers (number) 8
Book chapters 10
Book 2
5 most important Medline papers (copy and paste reference from Medline) Meroni R, Cerri CG, Lanzarini C, Barindelli G, Morte GD, Gessaga V, Cesana GC, De Vito G. Comparison of active stretching technique and static stretching technique on hamstring flexibility. Clin J Sport Med. 2010 Jan;20(1):8-14.

Cella SG, Cerri CG, Daniel S, Sibilia V, Rigamonti A, Cattaneo L, Deghenghi R, Müller EE. Sixteen weeks of hexarelin therapy in aged dogs: effects on the somatotropic axis, muscle morphology, and bone metabolism. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 1996 Nov;51(6):B439-47.

J H Willner, D S Wood, C Cerri, B Britt Increased myophosphorylase a in malignant hyperthermia. The New England Journal of Medicine (1980) Volume: 303, Issue: 3, Pages: 138-140 PubMed: 7383071

Cerri CG,. Willner JH, Phosphorylation of McArdle phosphorylase induces activity Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 78, No. 5, pp. 2688-2692, May 1981

Willner JH, Cerri CG, Wood DS. High skeletal muscle adenylate cyclase in malignant hyperthermia. J Clin Invest. 1981 Nov;68(5):1119-24.
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